Employers & Plan Administrators can start a plan in as little as two weeks, or even sooner under special circumstances! We can send all documents electronically for approval and eSigning.
- We offer access to funds from many major asset classes and risk categories, including those from Vanguard, Dimensional Fund Advisors, and TIAA-CREF.
- We also offer target-date & risk-based funds that are already globally diversified for you.
- You will also have direct access to financial advisors to discuss your personal plan.
Outside of the tax deductions given to employers for making contributions to their employees’ retirement accounts, the employer match is a powerful recruiting tool to attract top talent.
A safe harbor 401(k) plan is a type of tax-deductible 401(k) plan that ensures eligible employees receive a pre-determined employer contribution in exchange for an automatic pass on some annual nondiscrimination tests. The mandatory employer safe harbor contribution may be in the form of a basic match, an enhanced match, or a non-elective contribution, depending on the plan design. Safe harbor contributions must be 100% vested immediately.
We offer on-site or virtual plan meetings to help inform and encourage employees to save for retirement.
Yes, we offer one on one access to our financial advisors to help you with your retirment plan and any other financial questions you may have.
- Participants and plan sponsors can access their plan information here.
- If you have trouble logging in, please contact us.
They are uploaded to your online account quarterly.
We prioritize the security and privacy of your personal and financial information. We employ robust security measures, such as encryption and secure data storage, to protect your data.
You Manage the Business — We’ll Invest in the Rest
Learn how easy it is to enroll, manage, and help your employees save for retirement.